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Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. S&M: Surveillance and Maintenance: S&M: Stand and Model (fashion) S&M: Supply & Maintenance: S&M: Structures and Mechanical: S&M: Simulations and Modeling: S&M: Symphony and Metallica: S&M: Scheduling and Movement: S&M: Sex and Mockery: S&M: Smith & Milton Limited (UK) S&M: Scrubbing and Mopping: S&M: San Francisco Symphony Orchestra and Metallica (Metallica CD) S&M: Surfaced & Matched: S&M
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Sex and mothafuckin money !!!!! Guy : Metallica rocked at the S & M concert !! Guy 2 : No they didn't they teh su>