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Here are others from this page: Trng: Training. T: Training. Tng: Training. PT is an abbreviation for term physical training. pt is an abbreviation for pint. Pt is the symbol for platinum. 'TRAINER', All Acronyms, 8 April 2021,
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ICAO Code: (None). Country: Austria. Major betydelser av TRNG. Följande bild presenterar de mest använda betydelserna av TRNG.
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Define training. training synonyms, training pronunciation, training translation, English dictionary definition of training.
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CSE. Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of instructor led training? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: InstMC - INSTO - INSTR - INSTRAW - INSTRUCT - INSTRUM - INSU - INSUA - INSUANE - INSUF Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of Engineer in Training? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: ENGFR - ENGg - ENGI - ENGINE - ENGINEER - ENGITA - ENGL - engl. - ENGLAND - ENGLISH Acronym. Definitions. Short Description.
The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. PT is an abbreviation for term physical training. pt is an abbreviation for pint. Pt is the symbol for platinum. What does OPT stand for and what does it mean? The abbreviation for OPT stands for
Sorry,It is used for designation. Corporate training - corp.
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For definitions, see the Learning & Training Glossary. A. AA— Abbreviated Analysis. AAMOF— As A Matter Of Fact. AAR— After Action Review.
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Often used in swimming workouts. 4x 50 Build = 4x 50 yards of starting easy and building pace gradually throughout the 50 yards. CADENCE: The number of pedal strokes, swim strokes, or […] Study Flashcards On Athletic Training Abbreviations and Symbols A-D + Chapter 3&4 at
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Training definition is - the act, process, or method of one that trains. How to use training in a sentence. Abbreviation Term(s) A: Allergy: A: Annum: A: Anode: A: Anterior: A: Aortic: A: Artery: A: Axial: AB: Abort(miscarry) AB: About: AB: Antibody: AB: Asthmatic bronchitis: ABD, ABDOM: Abdomen: ABN: Abnormal: ABP: Arterial blood pressure: ABST: Abstract: AC: Adrenal cortex: AC: Air contrast: AC: Anterior chamber: ACH: Adrenal cortical hormone: ACID PHOS: Acid phosphatase: ACID P'TASE: Acid … Abbreviation Definition; A&A: aid and attendance: ACAP: annual clothing allowance payment: AO: adjudication officer or Agent Orange: AOJ: agency of original jurisdiction: APA: Administrative Procedure Act: AWOL: absent without official leave: BCMR: Board for Correction of Military Records: BCNR: Board for Correction of Naval Records: BVA: Board Abbreviation Term(s) C: Centigrade: Ca: Ca—Journal of the American Cancer Society: C1-C7: Cervical vertebrae: CA: Calcium: CA: Carcinoma: CA-125: Cancer Antigen 125: CAT: See CT SN: CBC: Complete blood count: CBD: Common bile duct: CC: Chief complaint: CC: Cubic centimeter: CCU: Coronary care unit: CEA: Carcinoembryonic antigen: CGL: Chronic granulocytic leukemia: CHF: Congestive heart failure: … Abbreviation Term(s) S1-S5: Sacral vertebra: SARC: Sarcoma: SB: Small bowel: SBE: Subacute bacterial endocarditis: SCC: Squamous cell carcinoma: SGOT: Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase: SGPT: Serum hepatitis: SH: Social history: SH: Serum hepatitis: SM: Small: SMA: sequential multiple analysis (Biochem profile) SML: Small: SML BWL: Small bowel: SNF: Skilled nursing facility: SO: Salpingo … Define abbreviation.
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3 days ago CERT - Center for Environmental Research & Training CERT - Campus Emergency Response Team CET - Center for Engaged Teaching The Standard Abbreviation (ISO4) of Industrial and Commercial Training is Ind. Commer. Train.. Industrial and Commercial Training should be cited as Ind. ATL, Acute Training Load, a rolling short-term (default is seven days) or an athlete's training load, TSS per day. Cad, Cadence, Pedaling revolutions per minute Here is a long list of military acronyms, abbreviations and associated terms including slang, informal and AIT or “A School”, Advanced Individual Training. Dec 1, 2020 McGill University, Facebook & Mila Introduces MeDAL: A NLP Pre-training Dataset for Medical Abbreviation Disambiguation With 14M Articles.
2021. "CODE". (accessed January 16, 2021).