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Key Words: Phenomenography, Qualitative research, Teaching-learning context. INTRODUCTION A substantial amount of research has been carried out on students’ learning and teachers’ conceptions of, and approaches to teaching/learning in higher education that has benefited from a particular research approach, termed as ‘phenomenography’. Aims: This paper examines phenomenography, a research approach designed to answer certain questions about how people make sense of their experience. The research approach, developed within educational research, is a content-related approach investigating the different qualitative ways in which people make sense of the world around them.
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Man-world relations as the subject matter of phenomenography . As certain phenomenon, there is an increasing use of phenomenography where the results or outcomes are expressed in two axes, implying that some skills or awareness of a phenomenon are coupled. For example, human-centered design simultaneously improves awareness of the design process and the inclusion of stakeholders. My aim is to show the characteristics making phenomenography ideal for answering questions such as, for example, how students understand technical concepts.Figure 1 -Phenomenography in relation to other research approaches that investigate human experience (Trigwell, 2000b) The importance of a non-dualist ontology and second-order perspectiveIn the description of phenomenography presented 2012-12-27 · Phenomenography is a research approach aimed at the study of variation of human experiences of phenomena in the world. Etymologically, the word phenomenography is derived from the Greek Edmund Husserl (1859–1938) founded phenomenology, a philosophical method seeking certainty. Phenomenology at that time was a new version of Cartesian, carving out the special realm of consciousness or “subjectivity.” example for describing phenomenography.
The. av AD Oscarson · 2009 · Citerat av 76 — for example, both students and teachers seem to have little previous experience of Phenomenographic Study Founded on an Alternative Basic Assumption.
III. Key Attributes of Phenomenography The assumptions and the goals of phenomenography align with the assumptions and The orientations are, for example: discursive, experimental, naturalistic, hermeneutical and phenomenological phenomenography. You can use several highly focused analytical methods to assess how other people think about and evaluate phenomena.
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N2 - Phenomenography is an empirical approach to ascertain the qualitatively different ways in which individuals experience and understand aspects of the world around them. The phenomenography originates in the field of education. Its roots are in the notion that individuals experience and perceive the same phenomenon in different ways (Akerlind, 2005; Marton, 1986). In group learning, for example, people will perceive a phenomenon differently. There is much evidence for such preconceptions influencing later research in phenomenography. For example, Laurillard (1979), Entwistle and Ramsden (1983) and Prosser (1994) all explicitly used Marton and Saljo's (1976) descriptions to identify 'deep' and 'surface' approaches to learning. One or more theoretical frameworks or orientations are used in qualitative education research.
However, the team were advised that, since the aim of the project was to discover if fashion students showed qualitative variation in their approaches to learning, the best chance of finding variation would be to select students who differ most in their approach. How to do thematic analysis correctly? Thematic analysis is a very popular approach to qualitative data analysis, but there are many things that can go wrong
Phenomenography in Action Connection to Prior Theories About the "Guru" Trigwell (2006) illustrates how phenomenography is applied in a classroom setting in his study: Phenomenography: An Approach to Research into Geography Education. The summary by Ornek (2008) gives sample
TY - JOUR. T1 - Theoretical foundations of phenomenography: A critical review. AU - Hajar, Anas.
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example for describing phenomenography. By collecting and integrating different experiences of a single entity (the elephant), we can have a better and more precise understanding of the entity as a whole (18). In other words, phenomenography can be described as a jigsaw puzzle and different people’s experiences as its different parts; thus, Abstract. In this chapter, we introduce phenomenography, which is the methodology adopted for the research work presented in this book. We first explain the choice of the phenomenography, the epistemology of phenomenography, and how the findings will be presented.
There is much evidence for such preconceptions influencing later research in phenomenography. For example, Laurillard (1979), Entwistle and Ramsden (1983) and Prosser (1994) all explicitly used Marton and Saljo's (1976) descriptions to identify 'deep' and 'surface' approaches to learning. One or more theoretical frameworks or orientations are used in qualitative education research.
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Participants In the effort to gain data, 10 first-year pre-service science teachers of a Malaysian 2012-10-18 · In phenomenography, the researcher is interested in a group’s various ways of knowing, understanding, and conceiving phenomenon in the world (Larsson & Holmström, 2007; Marton & Pang, 2008). For phenomena such as changing perspective, a post-intentional phenomenologist asks, ‘what is it to experience a change in perspective’ (while assuming this is an embodied experience). Example: Lee and Gerber (1999) a stu dy of Hong Kong school students’ perceptions of graphs, charts and maps Outcome space consists of a set of 5 categories of description This paper examines phenomenography, a research approach designed to answer certain questions about how people make sense of their experience. The research approach, developed within educational research, is a content‐related approach investigating the different qualitative ways in which people make sense of the world around them.
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However, given that phenomenography seeks meaning acrossindivid-uals’ stories or examples of their experiences, that is, at a collective level rather than an individual level, member checking is not appro-priate.
Computing Education Research Anders Berglund
Example: The concepts of ”class” and ”object”; the role of the teacher Informationsteknologi Anders Berglund, Department of Information Technology Examples of phenomenographic results A dichotomy surface vs. deep learning How do students go about programming? (Booth, 1992) • Expedient. • Constructional.
This problem is noted also by Marton (1996). For this reason, the aim of this article is to describe the phenomenographic ap-proach and to show how this method differs from the phenomenological approach. Furthermore, we want to illuminate how phenomenography can be a 2009-07-12 · Furthermore, we want to illuminate how phenomenography can be a useful tool for learning and competence development within the health care sector. To accomplish these goals, we will use examples from a phenomenographic study on professional work, using interviews with experienced anaesthesiologists (Larsson, Holmström & Rosenqvist, 2003). Example: The concepts of ”class” and ”object”; the role of the teacher Informationsteknologi Anders Berglund, Department of Information Technology Examples of phenomenographic results A dichotomy surface vs. deep learning How do students go about programming? (Booth, 1992) • Expedient.